Glossary of Terms Used in Batoi RAD Framework

Please find the list of terms that are used in Batoi RAD Framework and their description below:


The username admin (case-sensitive) is the super user which can access Batoi RAD Framework IDE and can develop, manage and access the entire application. This user gets such a right through a default role assigned to it - Administrator. Neither this username nor its association with the role Administrator can be modified.

Administrator Role

When you install the framework, the default role is Administrator, and it is assigned automatically to the user admin. Neither this role nor its association with the user admin can be modified.

Application Class

An Application Class refers to any PHP class that contains business logic of the application and is a part of Model. Application classes can be created and managed directly through IDE. However, you can also edit these classes in your favourite code editor too. These classes are located in /model/class directory. For more details on Application Class, please go to

Application Settings

Application settings refer to setup information that are used while installing the framework, thus setting up the application with Batoi RAD Framework. This includes application name, description, author name, email address of admin user, URL of application and database settings. Database settings include DSN, Database Name, DB user and Password, and Table Prefix (the string that will be preppended to each table of the application including Batoi RAD Framework Database Tables). For more details on Application Settings, please go to

Configuration Variables

While developing an application, we tend to use a number of magic numbers. Ideally we store these in a separate file, and in turn, include it every time within the application. With Batoi RAD Framework, we do not need to do any such effort; rather we create these as configuration variables on IDE, and then use them as a property (date type is associative array) of $APP object, $APP->CONFIG, within the application. For more details on Configuration Variables and how to manage these, please go to


A Controller is a PHP file that takes the HTTP request, and manages the control of the execution path of the application (instance of application) at server-side. For more details on Controller and how to use them, please go to


Event happens when an HTTP request is sent to the server-side, and thus an instance of application is created. In Batoi RAD Framework, an Event is identified by Event ID, and this is available as $APP->ID within the application. For more details on Event, please go to

Event ID

An Event is uniquely identified by Event ID and this is the same as $APP->ID. For more details on Event ID, please go to


Batoi RAD Framework comes with a tool that developers can use to create, modify and manage their application. This provides an Integrated Development Environment for the developer. IDE is in an early stage currently, and future development will bring in object modeling and remote application deployment into its purview. For more details on IDE, please go to


Batoi RAD Framework has an inbuilt capability to track the access to the application created through it. This is enabled by default during installation of the framework. You can see the access log of the application in the section meant for Lifestream on Batoi RAD Framework IDE. For more details, please go to


Model refers to the business logic part of the application. This consists of application classes and script includes. All files of Model are stored in /model directory. For more details, please go to

Batoi RAD Framework Array

Batoi RAD Framework Array, $_DELIGHT, is defined by the application instance, and will not be used visually by the developer anywhere. This is an array the framework uses internally. For more details, please go to

Batoi RAD Framework Database Tables

There are seven database tables created during the installation of Batoi RAD Framework framework. These tables start with *od_, where * is the table prefix string defined during the installation of framework. For more details on Batoi RAD Framework Database Tables, please go to

Batoi RAD Framework Libraries

Batoi RAD Framework Library consists of a set of classes that provide additional capabilities to develop your application. Batoi RAD Framework Library Classes are located in /lib directory. For more details, please go to

Batoi RAD Framework Objects

The framework provides three core objects to be used during application development - $DB, $APP and $USER. These objects are automatically instantiated and are available in the application. The $DB object is responsible for database access and data manipulation. The second object $APP is the instance of application when an HTTP request is made, and carries all related data. The $USER object carries data of the user accessing the system (uses Row Gateway Data Pattern), and is only instantiated if the controller is private. For more details on Delight Objects, please go to


Batoi RAD Framework provides an in-built mechanism to manage user's primary details like username, password, email, name and roles as they are critical to handle security aspects of the application. However, a developer can create more attributes and functionalities to manage user accounts as the application scope demands. This can be achieved by creating a Profile class (an Application Class) and a corresponding database table. More details can be found at


Each user must be assigned a role as it determines the access privilege and the homepage (after sign in) of the concerned user. For learning how to manage roles, please go to

Script Includes

A Script Include refers to any PHP file that contains business logic of the application and is a part of Model. This file is included within the code for an event to execute respective business logic. Script Includes can be created and managed directly through IDE. However, you can also edit these files in your favourite code editor. These files are located in /model/script directory. For more details on Script Includes, please go to


Users are entities who will access the application after it is created. Batoi RAD Framework creates the admin user (with access privilege to all aspects of the application and to IDE too) automatically after the framework is installed. Other users can be created through IDE or you can develop your own functionality for this purpose through custom class called Profile. For learning how to manage users, please go to


View refers to part of the application that is responsible for UI. This consists of View Page Parts, CSS files, JS files, and also graphics and multimedia assets of the application. Code for View Page Parts, CSS files and JS files can be created and managed directly through IDE. However, you can also edit these files in your favourite code editor. For more details, please go to

View Page Parts (VPP)

View Page Parts (VPP) are files which contain UI content consisting of HTML and PHP print statements or simple loops and conditions. They are called Page parts as one or more such files together will create a complete UI that goes to client-side for rendering. These are defined on IDE while creating or editing events, and are available as $APP->VIEWPARTS within the application. The content of VPP can be created and managed directly through IDE. However, you can also edit these files in your favourite code editor too. For more details, please go to h

View Page Variables (VPV)

View Page Variables (VPV) are required to define UI pages. This includes page title ($APP->PAGEVARS[TITLE]), page h1 texts ($APP->PAGEVARS[HEADERTEXT]), page breadcrumb ($APP->PAGEVARS[BREADCRUMB]), etc. While the specified three are automatically created when you install Batoi RAD Framework framework, any other (as required in the scope of your application) can be created on IDE and be used within the application. For more details, please go to