How to Integrate Mailgun API for Email Services in the Batoi RAD Platform

The Batoi RAD (Rapid Application Development) Platform offers a robust and versatile environment for developers to integrate many services, including but not limited to email service providers like Mailgun. This comprehensive tutorial will provide step-by-step instructions on configuring and sending emails using the Mailgun API, exclusively within the Batoi RAD platform.


Before diving into the core of the guide, let's ensure that we have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Batoi RAD Platform: Ensure you have access to the Batoi RAD platform and are familiar with its user interface.
  • Mailgun Account: A registered Mailgun account is essential. If you haven't already, create one at Mailgun's official website. You do not need to download and install Mailgun SDK for this purpose.
  • Mailgun Domain: Once your Mailgun account is active, configure a domain. It involves setting up DNS records associating an API key and a domain name, which will be essential for sending emails.
Figure 1
Figure 1: An illustration of using Mailgun for sending emails

How to Send Emails Using Mailgun API with Batoi RAD

Step 1: Import Required Libraries

Start your script by importing the libraries essential for interacting with the Mailgun API. It can be done as follows:

use Mailgun\Mailgun;

Step 2: Initialize the Mailgun Client

Initialize the Mailgun client using the API key and domain name stored as application parameters in the Batoi RAD platform. These parameters can be accessed globally, providing a centralized configuration. Here's an example:
$mgClient = Mailgun::create($this->runData['config']['app']['YOUR_API_KEY']);
$sDomainName = $this->runData['config']['app']['YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME'];

Replace the application parametersā€™ values YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME with your actual API key and domain name.

Figure 1
Figure 2: The management screen for application parameters in the Batoi RAD Platform

Step 3: Define Email Parameters

Structure an array to contain the email parameters, such as sender details, recipient address, subject, and message content.

$sEmailParams = [

'from' => 'Your Name <>',
'to' => '',
'subject' => 'Your Subject Here',
'text' => strip_tags($emailBody),
'html' => $emailBody


Figure 1
Figure 3: A code edit feature of microservice routes in the Batoi RAD Platform

Step 4: Execute Email Sending

Utilize the messages()->send() method to dispatch the email.

$mgClient->messages()->send($sDomainName, $sEmailParams);

Step 5: Handle Responses

After sending the email, checking the returned response for success or errors is crucial. Batoi RAD allows you to set custom alert messages as shown below:

$aResponse = $mgClient->messages()->send($sDomainName, $sEmailParams);

if ($aResponse->http_response_code == 200) {
$this->runData['route']['alert'] = 'success';
$this->runData['route']['alert_message'] = 'Email sent successfully';
} else {
$this->runData['route']['alert'] = 'danger';
$this->runData['route']['alert_message'] = 'Email could not be sent';

$this->runData['request']->setAlert($this->runData['route']['alert_message'], $this->runData['route']['alert']);

Step 6: Display Custom Alerts

Post-execution, present the custom response to the user. For example:

if (isset($this->runData['route']['alert']) && !empty($this->runData['route']['alert_message'])){ ?>
<div class="alert alert-<?php echo $this->runData['route']['alert']; ?>">
<?php echo $this->runData['route']['alert_message']; ?>
<?php } ?>


Congratulations! You've successfully set up Mailgun API for email services within your Batoi RAD application. It will streamline your development process and offer a reliable, scalable, and secure way to manage your email services.