Handle Privacy Protection for a Domain Name
When you register a domain name, the Whois of your domain name lists your personal information (such as Name, Company Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address) as Contact Details for that domain name. This information becomes available to anyone who performs a Whois lookup of your domain name. Your personal information is, therefore, at risk from being manipulated by data miners, who can target you via junk email, prank telephone calls, postal messages, fax messages, etc. You may immediately put a stop to such abuse using the Privacy Protection service. When you enable this service for your domain name, we replace your Contact Details in the Whois information with dummy contact details, thus, masking your personal contact details. This article describes how you can handle Privacy Protection for a domain name.
To handle Privacy Protection for a domain name, follow the steps as mentioned below.
Login to your Service Dashboard for domains.
Note: The Username and Password to log into the Service Dashboard for domains shall be provided to you by Batoi Support Team after you sign up for a domain name service. If you do not have the correct login credentials, please contact Batoi Support Desk via phone or create a support ticket for help.
In the Menu, point to Manage Orders and then click List/Search Orders as shown in Figure 1.

Upon doing so, you would see a list of all your Domain Names registered as shown in Figure 2. Click any domain name to reach its Overview.

Then click on the link Privacy Protection as shown in Figure 3.

Upon doing so a pop-up window shall appear. Here you may enable/disable Privacy Protection using the toggle.
Then click the Update Status button.