Using Control Panel as a Batoi Bridge Manager

Login to your Bridge App as a Tenant using your login credentials. After successful login you will be redirected to the Tenant Dashboard, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Bridge Tenant Dashboard Screen
Figure 1: Bridge Tenant Dashboard Screen

Click on the Manager Control Panel button available for a Bridge, as shown in Figure 1 above and you will be redirected to the Bridge Manager Control Panel dashboard page, as shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Individual Bridge Manager Control Panel Dashboard Screen
Figure 2: Individual Bridge Manager Control Panel Dashboard Screen

On the dashboard, you will find the primary menu as listed below, as shown in Figure 2 above:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Members
  3. Programs
  4. Marketplace
  5. Settings

You will find the basic information about the Bridge in the cards listed below, as shown in Figure 2 above:

  1. The number of Members added
  2. The number of Programs scheduled
  3. The number of Activities added
  4. The latest Member and Program added recently