Glossary of Batoi Bridge

Bridge: The platform where networking, collaboration, and marketplace activities take place among professional users.

Tenant: The owner or administrator responsible for managing a Bridge Space, including settings, members, and activities.

Circle: A network group that is created to bring together professionals sharing a common interest, industry, or business goal. Circles can be private or public.

Member: Any individual who has been invited to join a Circle or Bridge Space and can participate in its activities.

Manager Control Panel: An administrative dashboard that allows a Bridge Tenant to manage overall settings, user activity, circles, and analytics within their Bridge network.

Member Control Panel: The dashboard for individual members that enables them to view other members, monitor activities, request meetings, and access networking tools.

Matchmaking: A feature that utilizes intelligent algorithms to connect members based on common interests, industries, or business needs, making professional relationships more purposeful.

Dashboard: The homepage for both Subscriber and Member control panels, offering an overview of activities, members, metrics, and any key data points for the user's network.

Meeting: Scheduled interactions between members, which can be virtual or physical, managed and facilitated through the Bridge platform.

Marketplace: A section of the platform where users can promote and sell their products or services. The marketplace allows members to showcase offerings and reach their network easily.

Match Tag: A tag assigned to members that facilitates the matchmaking feature, helping to connect professionals with similar interests.

Member Category: A classification for members, allowing them to be organized within the network for better targeting, matchmaking, and communication.

Admin Dashboard: The comprehensive dashboard available to those with administrative rights, allowing control over settings, user activities, and the management of professional Circles.

Event and Webinar Hosting: Features that allow subscribers to host events and webinars within the platform, providing added value to members and enhancing community engagement (integration with other Batoi products will be needed).

Subscription Plan: The type of plan a user subscribes to for accessing Batoi Bridge. Different plans provide different levels of features and scalability, catering to a range of professional needs.

White Labeling: A feature available in certain plans that allows businesses to customize the Bridge platform to reflect their own branding, creating a seamless experience for their customers or partners.

API Access: The capability for businesses to integrate their Bridge network with other tools and systems, available in higher-tier subscription plans.

Public Page: A public-facing profile for a Circle or Bridge that enhances visibility and allows non-members to discover more about the activities within the network.