Broadcasts are one-way messages you can send to your audience through email using a visual interface.
Building and cultivating relationships with your prospects, customers, or vendors is a critical part of any business, and email is still one of the most common forms of communication.
Whether you are a small merchant or enterprise business, you should keep your audience informed about any updates that would be relevant to them. A few essential updates may be new product launches, a new feature, a new event, new pricing, or even any changes in privacy policies.
If you are wondering how to update them, then newsletters are the most common form of broadcast email marketing. You can use newsletters to put in important information that adds value to your audience.
To have a smooth experience with your broadcast email marketing journey, you can use the Broadcast app available in the Batoi CloudSpace that is easy to use and offers the required features.
Create a New Broadcast
To start, click on the 'App Drawer' icon and select 'Broadcast'. Once inside, click on the 'Add Broadcast' button. On the Add Broadcast page, enter the date you want the broadcast to be sent and use the placeholders to personalize your information and tailor it for your audience.
Save a Draft Broadcast
You can save your progress and can return to finish and send the Broadcast at a later date.
Preview a Broadcast
The Preview option lets you see how your broadcast will look when sent out. It is an excellent idea to do this to make sure that your email looks good in your recipient's inbox.
Add/Import Your Subscribers
You can manually add subscribers by entering their details in the Add Broadcast Subscriber screen or import the list into the system in bulk. You can download a sample template with the column labels and the sample data that you can edit and save and then import the template. It helps save you time.