The Cloud, though still in nascent stages of implementation has impermeated deep into the corporate structures. As the time passes by, so does the transformation of cloud in an expansive way, emerging out as a cost-effective business need. These are a few game changers for Cloud solutions during the year 2012:
The private cloud won’t go away, but grow bigger
Many early cloud projects were the result of developers frustrated by slow IT provisioning times.
They took advantage of the ability to get rapid access to raw computing power from public cloud providers using little more than a corporate credit card. This lead pundits to posit that IT’s function had failed and that the public cloud was the One True Way. Thus the private cloud, a dedicated on-demand IT infrastructure within the four walls of an organisation, was somehow not “true cloud,” and public cloud providers argued that private cloud should not exist because it wasn’t flexible or cheap.
There are two problems with this idea. The first is an inherent contradiction: one cannot castigate IT departments for being inflexible when they are using private cloud to deliver a flexible, on-demand computing environment for their businesses. The second is that there are plenty of pragmatic business reasons why organisations find it easier and cheaper to deploy within existing data centers. Established, regulator-approved security and data privacy controls and processes are one example.
The Cloud Outages will propel the organisations to Forage for Better Quality Service Providers.
A pertinent example is the outage of Amazon’s Web services, which caused colossal losses for its corporate clients, in spite of the high budget spending on upgrading infrastructure among varied others.
More instances of such breakdown of IT systems through erroneous software and unreliable hardware could be an eye-opener for the organisations wanting to tread the Cloud way. It demands more peruse choice in opting for a provider who can actually deliver the promises of the Service level agreements (SLA). A low budget cloud solutions does exist, but requires an overhead such as the implementing and coding the cloud services right from the beginning.
The Cloud Bursts as the Global Economic Crisis Swell
As more financial markets continue to rumble persistently, the Cloud gets luckier. Its necessity will be insurmountable as the need for Data Analytics and storage of colossal information by the public sectors will be in multiples.
The scalable feature of public cloud could be a savior for business houses and other establishments at occasions such as IT system shutdowns and sudden outbursts in sales. The Cloud could play as backup computing device during such catastrophe and also to store sudden bursts of data.
According to Ovum, the leading technology adviser, though there is a natural inclination towards Cloud during such times of uncertainty, it also underlines the call for prudent evaluation of the perils along with the merits.
Platform-as-a-Service will win the hearts of developers.
Developer-centric cloud infrastructure (IaaS) services have grown rapidly by providing high productivity environments for rapid application development and deployment. But platform-as-a-service (PaaS) represents a quantum leap in productivity and flexibility for application developers by further simplifying the development process. It does this by abstracting away virtual machines, operating systems and other extraneous details that are not germane to application development. For application transformation or brand new applications, PaaS is simply a more productive environment for developers. And that means less business for IaaS clouds targeting developers.
The Rapid Demand for Cloud Security
The reliability factor is a decisive player in the success of a cloud implementation across corporate houses. People find it hard to transgress from the notion that Public clouds are less secure than the Private clouds. However, a further in-depth analysis has revealed that proper security mechanisms and designs, tools are of paramount significance, regardless of the data location.
A security service such as Identity management is preeminent in multi-tenant cloud providers, where a single instance of an Operating System runs on Cloud premises, delivering services to multiple clients, offering differentiated services.
Organisations will continue to assume that private clouds have Hogwarts-like magical security protections.
Those familiar with Harry Potter know that the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is magically protected against those who would do its inhabitants ill. The same cannot be said for your organisation’s own four walls, but this seems to be the fundamental assumption applied to private clouds: the top objection to any kind of off-premises cloud is security.
All that matters are the actual security controls in place, and the processes to audit and verify that those controls are in fact there and functioning correctly. This is universally true, regardless of whether you own the walls, lease them, or they belong to a third party provider. Owning or leasing the walls doesn’t gain you magical protection. Fundamentally, this is an irrational belief that mere facts cannot challenge, which is why it will persist until there is more widespread experience, comfort and acceptance of off-premises providers.
To have a better understanding on Cloud Computing and to understand how to derive maximum benefit of the technology you can refer to an interesting book "Cloud Computing by Mr Ashwini Rath".