Google's Chrome browser has several hidden little tricks you may not know about. Here are some tips that will make your Chrome browser faster.
Using the Chrome Cleanup Tool
Check for any unwanted programs if you experience any of these symptoms, such as:
- Any Intrusive pop-up ads and anomalous web pages appear on your screen.
- The search engine or homepage redirects to services or sites you don't recognize.
- Slowness in the browser.
The Chrome Cleanup tool periodically checks for suspicious or hazardous programs and lets you know when something adverse is perceived, and provides the option to remove it. You can also manually check it using the following steps:
- Open Chrome, select the three dots in the upper-right corner and then select Settings.
Figure 1
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select Advanced.
Figure 2
- Scroll down to the Reset and clean up section and click on Clean up computer.
Figure 3
- Click on the Find button to search for any Ads or pop-ups or cookies or downloads.
Figure 4
You should see a message that reads, "Checking for harmful software." as shown above. This process can take several minutes to complete. If you don’t find any, then your chrome clean-up process is successful.
If any suspicious programs are found, you have the option to remove those programs by clicking on Remove. Chrome also disables any harmful extensions if shown. Sometimes you may be asked to reboot your computer, after which the unwanted files get obliterated.
Delete Cookies from Chrome
- From the main menu, click More tools> Clear browsing data
Figure 5
- Select the items you want to delete, including Cookies.
- Click on Clear data
Figure 6
Incognito Mode (Ctrl + Shift + N) can also auto-delete cookies and other session data when you exit from your browser window.
The next option may not really speed up but can enable you to access the right host by resetting the hostname and server IP combo. This is essential when the website migration takes place and the website needs to point to the new location.
DNS Cache Cleaning for Chrome
What is DNS?
Domain Name Server (DNS) is a technology that tells your computer system or Chrome the IP address associated with a domain name.
What is DNS Cache?
Domain Name Server (DNS) cache is like an address book saved in your computer system or Chrome with the DNS information of each website you visit every time. DNS ensures that every time you visit any website from your browser, it takes the shortest route to get the DNS information it needs to locate the website on the internet for ease of access.
Clear DNS Cache in Chrome
- Type
in your address bar in Chrome and press Enter.
Figure 7
- It will load Chrome's internal settings page from the net. Click on the Clear host cache button, and the DNS cache from Chrome will be cleaned up.
Figure 8
Every time you enter Chrome, it saves the DNS of every site. So the same process needs to be repeated for clearing DNS cache from Chrome.