Welcome to the Batoi Web sites, which sites and services include Batoi Cloud Platform, Batoi Apps, Batoi Portal Systems, Batoi Enterprise Systems, and Batoi Opensource Systems...
This policy provides information on the collection, use, and sharing as of personal information by Batoi Systems Private Limited and its affiliates...
This policy is organized into three sections: Services Personal Information Data Processing Terms, System Operations Data Processing Terms and Communications and Notifications to Customers and Users...
This policy specifically explains how Batoi (hereinafter referred to as "we", "us", "our”, Batoi in this policy). We, our partners, and users of our services deploy cookies, as well as the options for you as Data Subject (“means any identified or identifiable individual to whom personal data relates”) to have control over them.
This policy informs data subjects on the collection and use of your personal information in connection with Batoi’s artificial intelligence and machine learning (“AI/ML”) activities...
Batoi respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask our individuals using Batoi Web sites to do the same...
If your inquiry relates to your company's service account or support of Batoi products or services, please go to the Contact Us page for resources and contact information...
Batoi Academy’s terms of service for course access, certification, lab usage, and product licenses. Understand the ...
Batoi Partnership Program terms of service for Technology, Innovation, and Digital partnership categories ...